
Welcome to my world - feel free to browse and comment but please do not copy or use any of my images without my express permission.
All of my images are copyright protected. Thank you, Cathy Weaver

Saturday, January 9, 2010

Where did the time go?

As always, there seems to be a hole in time beginning the week prior to Thanksgiving up through New Years. My lapse in time actually began in October. I can't believe it's already January. So much has been going on, that I (sadly) haven't had the time to devote to this blog like I should. Back in October, my son and I traveled to Ocala, FL for their art festival. It was really fun being involved in a festival out of state, not to mention the largest I've ever been in. I haven't been totally non-productive. God put on my heart to try something new and different. I found myself splashing paint on canvas and angels have emerged. These were painted back in November and December. With the holidays, I didn't have much time to paint. But now... I need to get back after it. After all.. in only a few months it will be art festival season once again. Need to build up that inventory!