
Welcome to my world - feel free to browse and comment but please do not copy or use any of my images without my express permission.
All of my images are copyright protected. Thank you, Cathy Weaver

Saturday, May 29, 2010


All I can say is... wish I was there.

3.5" x 3.5"
Soft Pastel

Friday, May 28, 2010

Mourning's Mate

Life is never dull around here. That much I can say for sure. The other day we were in that horrible state. The next day when I came home from work, the lawn and trimming was done. My son helped me all evening long digging up our front yard for some new landscaping, and helped me make a nice rock border. He was back to the great kid I know.

So - I thought "Mourning in May" needed a mate.

And here it is.

Yes, life is good.

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Mourning in May

A Bipolar Moment

Last night I sat at my desk listening to my son screaming from the other room. I started praying for his healing, but in doing so the tears began to flow. Enough already - we've endured enough. I'VE endured enough! God, please give me a break. I'm tired ... just so tired. Through my tears I saw a photograph poking out from a stack of papers ... so I got my pastels out and within an hour this appeared.

Thank you Father, for giving me that break and peace I so desperately needed.

I call this Mourning in May.

Soft Pastel
4 1/2" x 10"